Blogging & Blow Jobs

Blue Monday rears its ugly head once more. Suffering from post-holiday depression. Why can’t holiday’s last longer, and youth stretch out endlessly? #anoldiebutagoodie #perfectlyfabulous

"Pin Up Picks Pen Up"

Everybody stay calm.

The inevitable has happened. I’ve hit my winter weather wall.


It was snowing the other morning. It hadn’t snowed in a while.  The sight of the fat flakes falling and settling over the hard and crusty slabs of December snow was not welcomed in the least. A huge sigh leaked from my lips, a huff, which worked in conjunction with a massive shoulder slump.  You could practically hear the theme from “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.

cb_DepressedStanceLeaning on the kitchen counter with my coffee, flipping through Facebook on my phone. There were slew of photographs of beautiful friends in New Zealand and Australia, looking tanned and relaxed, smiling  in sun filled rooms and on luscious beaches with blue skies and green seas.  They look happy. They look warm.  It makes me remember a time when Benjamin and I used to ride our bicycles on deliciously warm nights, cruising…

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