
Alicia Ashcroft has a B.A in English Literature & Theatre Arts.  She’s involved with the Events and Marketing Committees for the Kamloops Film Festival. She is also a freelance writer for The Echo, Kamloops BC Now, and Sun Peaks Independent News. Alicia is also an on-location radio personality for B-100 and CIFM. She performs whenever possible.

Alicia has lived in New Zealand, Australia, and is now settled in Canada with her Kiwi-husband Benjamin.

‘Pin Up Picks Pen Up’ is an effort meant to overcome writers block; to examine life,  purpose and choices.  This blog is chock full of anecdotal goodness; everything from family, marriage, travel, frustration, failure, feminism, body image, immigration with plenty of black humour and the odd celebrity reference thrown into the mix.

Thank You for Reading. Thank You for Sharing.


10 thoughts on “About

  1. That first line is perfect. English majors for the win! =)
    I suppose I can look forward to several years of unemployment after I graduate next year.

    • Well, in reality, I left the country about ten minutes after I graduated, then did traveler’s jobs, for three years. So, I may have missed a career wave–no matter, wouldn’t have traded the travel nor the many years of school. Although, I think you’d enjoy the blog “Dear University Degree”, I’ve posted the link:


      Thanks for reading, and for commenting!

  2. Congrats! You’ve won an award. http://rejectreality101.com/2013/07/11/another-very-inspiring-blogger-award/

  3. Alicia, the deepest apologies for taking the longest time to thank you for the award which was so generously given. I am so very much humbled by it. Love your work too! xx

  4. Hi there! I am passing on this nomination for the Liebster award to you. I trust that you will know what to do with it and am excited to see the results. If interested in what I came up with check it out at Ramblings of a Mad Kat. Have a fantastic day!!

    • How lovely! Thanks so much! I have been so busy with work I have not been able to blog regularly in ages…I so appreciate the uplifting gesture! I’ll be sure to pass this along xx

  5. Hello Alicia! Just tuned in to some random blogs and found yours. I have a pinup calendar in my room at home. Come hang out in my world over at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com if you’d like to return the follow. Have a great day!


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